Luciana’s artistic journey began in 1974, when she embarked on her first adventure into the world of art. Her innate talent and the need to express herself were the driving forces that led her towards porcelain painting, with a constant refinement and the search for ever new and more challenging challenges.

In 1993, her journey took a sudden turn when she decided to change her style, moving from classical to modern, which allowed her to best interpret her emotions and creative imagination. Luciana has always been attentive to the evolution of painting techniques and materials, ready to make the most of these innovations.

In her works, it is possible to perceive all her attention, concentration, and introspection that give a precise picture of the artist’s personality. For her, painting is more than a hobby, it is a continuous expression of feelings and a translation of sensations that come from the depths of the soul.

A nationally recognized artist, Luciana has gained respect and admiration abroad as well, thanks to her participation in prestigious competitions and exhibitions, where she has received important recognitions.